Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thank you God!

So recently God has shown me that boys are not worth it! By putting my hope in guys' affection and attention, I am guaranteed to be disappointed and they are guaranteed to fail me . . . which I found out the hard way.
But by putting my HOPE and TRUST in God, I am "safe and secure from all alarm," meaning I will be saved from all this worldly crap thinking like the thought that you're only pretty based on what guys think of you. Which is LAME. haha. So anyway, God has taken away all feelings of anxiety and worry concerning boys and I want this to be an encouragement to all my gorgeous Junior High girls . . . don't place your hope in immature little boys who will tell you you're hott then drop you like a hot rock when they find another girl. Place your faith and hope in GOD, the creator of the universe who loves you with all his Heart!!! Thank you God!!!


mally said...

wow. ur definantly a huge encouragement kelly. and ur setting a great example. God has been using all of you high school girls soooo much in my life. And even though we've been through some ups and downs over the stupid things, uv helped me alot by just telling it to me straight. And thats kind of how i need it. Im a very stubborn person. And it has taken a long time for everyone to get this is my head but i promise you it is helping so much! thank you so much kelly for still helping me through this all. i love you kelly! And im glad that God has given u peace.

INZANE said...

BBBBAAAAAHAHAHAHAA! im really happy for u kelly and i think that was deep! but not to be mean or argue or anythin but thats not all entirely true! lol im not sayin that u should put boys above God or depend on boys more than God and i think that boys r dumb most of the time! but there r boys that r really dumb and dont take gurlz seriously and just r idiots and mean and dont care about really caring about girlz but then there r some rare boys that really do care. and um i thin kin my opinion that at this age we shouldnt be "goin out" or anythin like that but sortta just liking eatchother cuz u cant stop somethin as natural as a boy bein attracted to a girl or vise versa... but i do know what u r talkin about and i think its awesome... but all im sayin is there are those RARE guys lol very RARE! and i also think that when u start a "relationship" that u need to get some things straight. if u know what i mean. like 4 example say a guy likes a girl and she likes him. that shouldnt be it... like u should really get to know the guy or girl and c if u truly want to be "together" get it sortta... ugh i have soooooo much stuff racing through my head right now that i cant explain it well enough in this comment lol... so i know i said some stuff that is wrong and im sorry and thats y i like talkin to some1 in person than over technology lol... so get it um ya im sorry, im done but not really ... i g2g what i said doesnt make sense lol im just a retard lol

INZANE said...

um sorry bout that... i need to clear somethin up 1st... kelly im really happy that u said that cuz its true so forget about what i just sadi in my last comment... 2nd just for example... i think that if a guy drops a girl like a hot rock for another girl then that girl shouldnt have gotten into that "relationship" in the first place. cuz i think that... say a girl likes a guy but doesnt truly make sure this guy really likes her and he doesnt take things like that seriously then the "realtionship" is already pretty much screwed lol... so um... i think that it is alright to "like" some1 but its not alright to put that person above God! and if some1 does put that person above God then they obviously need to STOP! now im not sayin dump the guy or girl but to maybe hold eachother accountable and talk it over that u feel wrong about puttin guys or girls over God... again its hard 4 me to say what i really want to cuz i like talkin in person better... so again all im sayin is there r some guys out there that r good 4 u and they r the guys for u... but ya know what how would i know me bein a guy and all and now i feel like an idiot 4 writin this lol... but i do know what u mean... but im not sayin i have ever been dropped by a guy! LOL AHA... but im sorry i cant seem to get my point across i think its awesome that u found GOD over guys! so im sorry i really dont understand myself sometimes... i am seriously DUMB!

Emily Elizabeth(: said...

wow austen, that was deep:] but i agree.
but most boys are stupid. until they are about 18, they are all stupid. lol. (:

Kellay Nicole said...

haha, don't worry Austen, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about and I agree whole heartedly. BUT! In my particular circumstance I believe I put my relationship above God which is why he broke it up. I was fooling myself and saying that "oh yeahh, i'm all about God" when really all i wanted was that relationship with HIM, not GOD. sooooo, God knew that and took the relationship, now I've FINALLY got my head around that and I'm getting back on track with my Savior, which means I have no immediate need for a boyfriend. Needless to say I want one, it's a natural reaction and I believe God wants us to have a family. But since I am only 16, I am not going to focus on these things until God puts the right boy in my life. Until then . . . . I'm so happy God has turned my focus back onto Him. =] But thank you, and I understand where you're coming from, especially as a guy. =D ILY

INZANE said...

lol i think thats awesome kelly and im sooo happy 4 u! yay u r amazing and always helpin out and doin good!

Kellay Nicole said...

aw, you're sweet. =]

so whatcha been up to!?!? Bein good at youth group while I'm not there? lol.


INZANE said...

lol idk what ive been up to... hah maybe u should ask some1 who might know like 1 of my family... lol but ummm... i guess u could say im bein good :) lol but u may have to ask some1 else about that 1 2! lol I THINK THAT WAS FUN WHEN U PLAYED WITH THE JUNIOR HIGHERS ON WEDNESDAY! ... (whoa sorry that was an actidental caps lock) lol anyways um hmmmm i am BORED! dang bored. lol i wanna go rent a movie... k well bye ily2

Kellay Nicole said...

hahahah, i knooooow, i LOVE playin with ya'll!!! =] I should do it again. haha. but yeahh, i can't wait till i can work in jh!! unfortunately when i can . . . all my favorite kids (like you) will be gone! =[ haha.

*gasp* I wanna watch a movie, too!!!!! Make popcorn and I'll come over, yeahh? haha. =]

INZANE said...

lol ya that would be cool! whoa i just thought of somethin! what if during the summer me and trysten rode our biked to the pool at your house area and u could like tell emily and whoever to come and we should all swim while u r life gaurd! yay cuz i just realized that the pool at your house is closer than albertsons and those stores and sean and syd have rode their bikes to the store when they were my age! ooooo i wonder...! that would be cool huh? ya i think we should work it out lol but whatev aha

Kellay Nicole said...

haha, that would be sooooo much fun!!!! We'll definitely have to plan on that. =D
I don't have my certificate for lifeguarding yet, it's coming in the mail, so i'm not scheduled to work yet. SADDDDD. =[

INZANE said...

o bummer lol but ya that would be cool... um i really wanna go to the beach and skim board and hang with my peeps k so lets make it happen and work it out k? cuz 4 some reason i really wanna go right now... lol

Kellay Nicole said...

hahaha, i TOOTALLY wanna go right now! I'm dyin. lol.
The weather sucks, though, it's warm but breezy and I don't wanna get wet! hahaha.
Soooo I think your brother should organize a beach day because people listen to him . . . no one else. LOL. so yeahh, tell him and we'll head out.
hey, teach me to skim board! I can't do it. LOL. =]

INZANE said...

OMG that would be awesome! i would totally teach u! that would be sweet! yessss lets do it but 1st i need a skim board lol but hopefully i can barrow 1 or somethin lol... but great idea! ill try and ask sean soon cuz he is always working full time now at the job construction sites and now overtime lol... but he is rollin in the benjamins! haha

Kellay Nicole said...

hahaha, okay, we can use rusty's. =D oohhh, yeahh, i forgot he's full time now.
uumm . . . i dont think i'm familiar with that term!?!??! LOL. sorry. =]

INZANE said...

w8 im confused r u not familiar with the term "workin full time"???

Kellay Nicole said...

hahahhaha, noooooo!!!
rollin in the benjamins!!!! hahahhahahahahah. wow. i'm blonde, but not plain old STUPID, goodness. =] (don't comment.) lol