Sunday, May 25, 2008


I'm officially a lifeguard.
Yeahhh babe! haha. I passed my "in the water" final and I'm pretty stoked. It was really funny, though, this one kid (okay, so he's 20) was attempting a "two victim" rescue, so this guy Taylor (also 20) and I were the victims . . . after he had us in the correct hold or whatever and started swimming us to shore . . Tay decided that was too boring and starting tickling me!!! And YA'LL know how ticklish i am, sooo . . .needless to say . . . I flipped out! hahaha, so this poor guy is trying not to drown us, much less himself, while Taylor's tickling me and i'm laughing so hard i practically AM drowning! yeahhhhhh, that was so much fun. So anyway, ya'll should come visit me at work, kk?! =D


INZANE said...

AHAHA! funny! what flirts! kelly kelly kelly... u r in a sea of men w8ing to reel u in! hehe i ofund that quote on a fortune cookie! AHAHA JK but that would be awesome if i found 1 that said that! LOL since im a guy! and... well u get the picture! AAAAHAHAHA! luv ya

Kellay Nicole said...

hahahhaaha, dude, i would like, scream if i got that as a fortune!!!! pahahah, in a good way. =D
Thaaaaaaanks Austen, you know you're jealous. ;-] hehe, jk jk jk!! =]
love ya, i can't believe my little junior high boys are gonna be in HIGH SCHOOL SOOOONN!!! this year or no? idr. haha, sorry. =D ILY

Emily Elizabeth(: said...

i will be there to visit my love(:

Kellay Nicole said...

yay!!! My friends can come see me, I'm so excited! hah. NO DROWNING or I'll . . . oh, just not save you, k? hehe. =]

Emily Elizabeth(: said...

paahahahah. okay that sounds good:] bcause then i get to go to heaven, and laugh atyou down here on this retarded earth. hehe. (:

Kellay Nicole said...


yeahh welllllll . . . . nevermind. LOL

INZANE said...

i could go to heaven right now actually! i wish i could... hey i have a question! k here it is... when people at church say things like "come Lord Jesus come!" do u ever think to urself that maybe u dont wanna go to heaven just yet? cuz when i think abou that question i now have an answer 4 myself... i would really like to go to heaven but the only prob would be leavin people that cared about me behind! lol but hopefully there r people that care about me lol... im sure there is... well... aha jkjk... but um ya idk y i asked that question... lol and um but u all probly can leave right now so i really dont know y i asked this question lol so i guess just 4 get about it ahaha sorry im such a ffuuurrrrreeeeaaaaaakkkkkk! lol ty 4 puttin up with me all the time aha

Kellay Nicole said...

austen i swear if you don't stop degrading yourself at every statement I am going to smack you upside the head!!! you are not stupid, nor a freak, so be quiet! haha.

but to answer your question: Yeahh, we were talking about this last night at high school . . . there is NOTHING BETTER than to be in Heaven with God . . . but since we are human, we can't wrap our minds around that, and our selfish, worldly desire kicks in and says: "No, i wanna stay here and have a family!" And while I would really love to grow up and have a family, I am ready and willing to go when Christ calls me home. I just have to get that through my head, but once it's there, I get so excited!!! =]
Good question, though!!!

INZANE said...

ya lol but sometimes i am a freak and dumb haha and its good sometimes to put myself DOWN so i dont have as much as a pride problem lol... soo... that cool abpu the whole heaven thingy... what u been up 2??