Monday, March 10, 2008

My Best Friend

href="" target="_blank" action="'view&current=">Em and IThis is my bestie, Emily Elizabeth Klein. We've been friends since the 6th and 7th grade, and done countless dumb things together. =] We love to play chalk and swing at the park and take walks . . . . everything a 1st grader would be expected to do. She's always been soooo amazing to me and I can't think of a time she's let me down. I just pray she stays in California until we graduate, because we're going to Turkey, Ireland, Texas, and New Mexico together! =] I love youuu!!!


Emily Elizabeth(: said...

yessirr we are:] i love you my dearest kelly!

Kellay Nicole said...

haha, me too!! =] I love this picture. hehe.

INZANE said...

hehe whateva!

Kellay Nicole said...

shut up austen. haha.

INZANE said...

HEY! well now kelly nicole marcy! thats not very nice mow is it! (w8 i totally spaced... is it marcy or marcey!) lol

bailey_noel said...

that is such a good picture of the two of you!!! how did you get the picture of you on your comment?

Kellay Nicole said...

hahaha, Austen, it's Marcy. =] And I still love you!!!!! haha.

Bailey, THANKS! That's sweet. =] Oh and I honestly don't know how the picture came up, it said upload a profile pic so I did! haha. sorry!!

INZANE said...

lol well i knew that of course lol! hehe jk.